How To Be More Confident At Work


Being more confident at work has a number of advantages. You’ll be able to advocate for yourself more easily, be taken seriously by your colleagues, and in many cases, improve your performance.


If you’re looking for tips to boost your workplace confidence, then read on....

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How to Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes

Do you ever feel like you can’t move on from your past mistakes? You’re constantly haunted by what you did, and no matter how much time has passed, you can’t forgive yourself? Making mistakes is a normal and inevitable part of life. But unfortunately, when we make mistakes,...

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Setting Boundaries with Kids

Your children are your top priority. You will do everything in your power to ensure they are safe. While it's essential to keep your children motivated, it's equally important to keep their behaviors in check.


Setting boundaries with your children will help enforce healthy behaviors and...

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5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself as a Caregiver


If you have ever flown in an airplane, you may be familiar with this safety instruction.


“In the event of so and so, oxygen masks will drop in front of you. Please put on your masks first before attempting to help anyone else.”


Even if you’ve never been on...

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9 Methods To Master Self-Fulfillment as a Mom


There is no denying it: mothering can be tough. Maslow’s theory places self-actualization as the pinnacle of all human needs; that is, the internal satisfaction of our achievements can only come once all other needs are satisfied.


The ability to feel satisfied with achieving...

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How To Be More Assertive


Standing up for yourself and being firm are life skills that can help support your personal, professional, and social life. Being assertive comes in tandem with confidence and self-worth.


By being assertive, firm, and standing your ground in a respectful, fair, and mature way, you...

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How To Set Healthy Boundaries: An Introduction


Knowing how to set healthy boundaries is more important than you might think. We all have limitations when it comes to what we feel comfortable or able to do in our lives.


Pushing ourselves to accept situations and experiences which drain our energy and harm our mood is detrimental....

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Reclaim Your Power - Overcome Feeling Powerless


One of the requirements for feeling happy is the belief that you have some control over your life. Feeling powerless excludes the possibility of feeling happy. Control is a critical part of emotional health. Everyone can relate to the frustration that occurs when negative events in your...

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The Flaw of Comparing Yourself to Others

If you’re lacking contentment, it could be because you’re comparing yourself to others. You’ve been on Facebook and seen the pictures of others living their seemingly exciting lives. It only takes a moment to find yourself wishing you had someone else’s career, body,...

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Boundaries: The Key to Self-Management

Introduction to Self-Management and Boundaries

Self-management is a process of internalizing our values, attitudes, and beliefs, making them a part of our everyday lives. It can be difficult to maintain self-management when our self-concept is challenged or when we are faced with a new situation....

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Do You Have an Abundance or Scarcity Mindset?

How you view the world can affect the opportunities you see, your expectations, and ultimately your results. You can choose to see the world as a place of abundance or a place of scarcity. One is certainly more optimistic than the other! Your view of the world is very different if you choose one...

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8 Tips for Building a Healthy Self-Image

Reaching your full potential is dependent on the creation and maintenance of a healthy self-
image. It’s not possible to be highly successful if you don’t believe in yourself. The way you
view yourself is either uplifting or a hindrance. Regardless of your childhood experiences, past

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